Helena Mitasova - staff helena at gis.uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 5 11:29:25 EST 2001


we have a center at the Department where I am now who
got funding from IBM for DX applications and they do a LOT of 
work with it:


I will definitelly look at it (as well as at IDL) as
an alternative to NVIZ, because since Bill stoped working
on it few years ago many needed tools are missing from there
and it has really stalled. However, from experiences of
other GRASS users who tried DX they say that they
spend a lot of effort on trying to get visualizations
similar to what we have and the results were not satisfactory.
So it seems that what Bruce says that using DX can be
pretty complicated and time consuming may be true.

I will compare and see whether it would be easier to
put more effort into NVIZ or switch to something different.
It is just very convenient to have something within GRASS.
Most efforts for linking GRASS with various sophisticated
visualization packages have died (in 1993 there was a very
nice integration with a very powerful AVS, Bill Hargrove
has used it, but I don't know about anybody else. Also 
Vis5d has lots of capabilities but I still found using
GRASS tools more convenient).

so this is just my opinion on this issue,


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