[GRASS5] G_socks_* unix socket wrapper functions...

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Sat Feb 3 04:39:21 EST 2001

I added the unix_socks.c file to the libes/gis directory but haven't
hooked it up.  Also added the prototypes to include/gisdefs.h, but they
are commented out at the moment.

I thought that my little tests using these functions for the XDRIVER
worked pretty well, and such functions could be generally useful. So,
even if it's not used right now, they're available for future use...

I made a small modification to the G_sock_accept() call, so it only
takes the listening file descriptor as an argument.  The other two
arguments to accept() are actually return values for the client socket
and socket length (neither of which are particularly useful for local
sockets -- we already know this info).  This simplifies a few things for
useage, making it possible to have these functions available without
adding socket headers to gis.h or to any module that uses them.

All the functions are real basic, mostly just wrappers around the
standard calls.  They do free the user from having to worry about
setting up socket addresses and such -- only need a *unique* key name,
like "x0".

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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