[GRASS5] grass5.11 pre beta
Richard Christofferson
richc at eng.utah.edu
Sat Jan 27 19:40:51 EST 2001
Well! in setting up grass5.11, I was under the impression that
the unisys patented gif algorithm did not affect my raster files
as they reside in a cell directory, such as:
So I did not run the fp_uncompress.sh on it.
The problem is I cant get grass5.11 to show the raster images.
The other versions of Grass I have (grass5.8) work fine, but I'm
having bad problems with my monitor.. d.rast fails and then it seems
that grass loses contact with the monitor and I have to kill it by a
running kill on the monitors pid.
Feeling much chastened I ran the uncompress and recompress scripts on
all my locations but that did not seem to help matters. Things remain
much the same as they were.
I removed the grass5.11 home dir and reinstalled after the recompression
but that also did not help.
So essentially I'm not sure if this is an LZW problem or some other one.
And if it is an LZW related, issue what is the fix needed, after
installing without running the compression scripts?
This is a non production machine so I'm not too worried about what I
do to it.
Well thats that! please tell me if there is another forum for replying
on pre-beta testing as I'm unsure as to how to proceed..
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