[GRASS5] bugs

Bob Covill bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca
Thu Jan 18 08:04:54 EST 2001


I have not had time lately to re-visit the NVIZ problems. If you could make some
data, and images available that demonstrate the problem, that would be helpful. A
good description of the current bugs would be a good idea to include with the

Helena Mitasova - staff wrote:

> Justin,
> I believe you have SGI - have you ever tried NVIZ?
> Do you get the same problem, which I now believe is
> a bug that for certain combination of viewing position,
> zscale and resolution parts of the surface are masked out?
> it gets worse when you zoom out and when the file is big -
> (say 1000x1000). Bill was supposed to look at it but
> he still seems to have troubles with his computer.
> It worked Ok with the GL version, but OPEN GL
> calls are different - do we have an OPEN GL expert who could
> look at it? Bob (Covill) do you have anything new about
> this bug?
> If this cannot be fixed, it needs to be put in the manual
> that there is this bug - people may really struggle with it.
> Markus, maybe you should put a link to my message about
> what works and what does not in NVIZ in the manual page
> (I have seen that message somewhere on your GRASS site)
> Don't wait with the release because of this bug - but it
> would be nice to have it fixed (I can provide the data and
> example images if somebody wants to look at it).
> I too think that beta11 should be released ASAP and that
> the LZW should be removed now - it will be too late to
> do it after beta11, I am worried about it because i have
> about million FP raster files, but it really needs to be done and
> tested.
> Helena

Bob Covill

Tekmap Consulting
P.O. Box 2016
Fall River, N.S.
B2T 1K6

E-Mail: bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca
Phone: 902-860-1496
Fax: 902-860-1498

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