[GRASS5] r.mapcalc and NULL question

William L. Baker BakerWL at uwyo.edu
Mon Jan 15 12:39:55 EST 2001

You can use r.null to turn the nulls into zeroes,
then use r.mapcalc to give values where there is a 0.
But, maybe you were thinking it would be better to
modify r.mapcalc to do this...

Bill Baker

-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Neteler [mailto:neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 11:04 AM
To: grass5 developers list
Subject: [GRASS5] r.mapcalc and NULL question

Hi there,

maybe a r.mapcalc/NULL FAQ, but I don't get it...

Assume you have a streams map (streams contain values,
other cells=NULL). 

Now I want to add some values *everywhere* using r.mapcalc, but 
it is only added in those cells not containing a NULL value.

Any ideas how to overcome this problem?

Thanks in advance


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