[GRASS5] C++ and GRASS

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Jul 30 21:13:14 EDT 2001

Thank you all for your feedback, it was very helpful.
For those who want to know more here are some websites:

(look at the performance and comparison with r.watershed, although I am
not sure whether it was run with all the right options, but I assume it was)

I met with prof. Lars Arge and Laura Toma. It was David Finlayson
from this list who recommended Laura and their terraflow, see
The performance is quite impressive.
And there is a potential for more than the flowrouting.
However, implementation in GRASS does not seem to be straightforward as
TPIE is templated classes and functions in C++.

I will keep you posted about any new developments (and questions),


Bernhard Reiter wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 05:55:31PM -0500, Helena wrote:
> > I am meeting with collegues from comp. science at Duke who have developed
> > some great open source tools for GIS. It is in C++.
> > I would greatly appreciate any feedback that
> > you could give me about
> > the use of C++ for GRASS modules/libraries, in particular - has anybody
> > done it or doing it?
> There is no problem in having additional GRASS modules with C++ code in it.
> > Is it desirable or should all the code be in C to minimize compilation
> > problems?
> I would think that core modules and libraries should be C if possible.
>         Bernhard
> --
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