[GRASS5] [bug #755] (grass) help (again)

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Jun 15 17:49:11 EDT 2001

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=755

Hi people,

  Thank you for the fast answer.  I am a biologist working in a
biodiversity survey in Brazil. At this moment I am evaluating the
possibility of using a GIS software to analyse our data (insects and their
host plants distributed in a macrogeographic scale). As I am a first time
GRASS GIS user, I would like to know if there is any kind of "step-by-step
tutorial" available.

 Do you think I would have advantages using GRASS GIS
or you recommend a simpler software (as ArcView)?

I got GRASS4.3 and installed it succesfully, but I failed in loading
SPEARFISH database - after informing location, mapstets, etc I received
messages like:

ENC: unbound variable
XIM:unbound variable

I also would like to know where do I find the information to set up a new

I also got GRASS5 and installed it, but when I try to start with the
command "grass5", the answer is a message "Starting grass" and a new blank
window (gis_set.tcl) that  appears -- and anything else happens.

Thank you very much for you patience...

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>From rafael at unicamp.br  Fri Jun 15 23:49:11 2001
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To: Markus Neteler via RT <grass-bugs at intevation.de>
Cc: neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Subject: help (again)
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