[GRASS5] [bug #757] (grass) v.in.shape issue

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Jun 20 05:37:44 EDT 2001

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=757

Subject: v.in.shape issue

Platform: Linux/Intel
Linux distro: Mandrake
linux cpu: AMD (K6, ...)
Xwindows version: Xfree 4.0.x
Xwindows manager: KDE 2.x
TclTk version: tcl/tk 8.3
grass downloaded at: Hannover site
grass binary for platform: Linux/Intel binaries

v.in.shape does not import all lines. Some lines are missing in
the resulting GRASS vector file. The rejected lines file doesn't
have them, either.
I get a lot of warnings like these:

WARNING: line 285 label: 732 matched another label: 735.
Failed to attach an attribute (category 736) to a line.

Does any of these mean that lines were skipped?

Greetings, Ben

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