[GRASS5] Driver Update

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Jun 25 19:27:35 EDT 2001

Markus Neteler wrote:

> I have found a display/color problem in d.his:
> Today I have done some calculation in northern Italy DEM (GLOBE DEM) and
> created an aspect map using r.slope.aspect. Unfortunately moire appears at
> Garda lake: all pixels have 0.0 aspect as the lake is flat in DEM, but
> appear in different gray values in GRASS monitor.

This appears to be intentional; G_HIS() (src/display/d.his/cmd/his.c)
implements a simple dithering technique.

> Any help would be welcome to fix d.his,

I'll fix this in a similar manner to d.rgb, i.e. scrap the misguided
attempt to generate a composite "RGB" output layer and just display
the result of HIS->RGB conversion using R_RGB_raster().

I'll also look into producing a separate r.his program which reads H,
I and S layers and outputs R, G and B layers.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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