[GRASS5] compilation HP-UX

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Thu May 31 02:45:52 EDT 2001

On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 05:06:45AM +0100, Glynn Clements wrote:
> "defined" will only work if those names are #define'd, not if they are
> typedef'd.

Durnit, I thought that was the case... Those darn types can exist in too
many files to find the proper include (if they exist).  I never got
around to messing with configure for this, 'cause I never got d.area
functioning properly.

> This should be done with the autoconf AC_CHECK_TYPE macro, although I
> would suggest at least using "unsigned int" instead of "unsigned long".
> IMHO, "long" being 64 bits is a lot more likely than "int" being
> something other than 32.

Probably a good idea.  Really only nead the 8bit unsigned char.  But I
think the whole thing is fsck'ed.  Am trying to get a version working
with a third party clipping library.  Hopefully I can get that working
(it promises to make triangle trips!).  If only the API were better
documented, so's I could understand why a certain function call is
causing a segfault ;(. Anyway...

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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