[GRASS5] Multiple attribute support in GRASS5.1:someconsiderations
John Reid
jgreid at uow.edu.au
Mon May 14 01:56:25 EDT 2001
Hi all,
"Eric G. Miller" wrote:
> On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 11:06:58PM -0600, Roger S. Miller wrote:
> [snip]
> > My concern is that *if* there is any intent to improve the presentation
> > capabilities available in GRASS then it will ultimately be necessary to
> > provide database capabilities to serve drawing attributes. Those
> > capabilities can be built as an inherent part of the vector attributes
> > database. Alternatively the database capabilties can be added later in
> > a separate, parallel and mostly duplicative effort. The latter
> > alternative makes little sense to me.
> >
> > I think there's a substantial need in GRASS for integration of map
> > preparation, map analysis and map presentation. Certainly it would be
> > possible to go too far in that direction, but right now we are so far
> > from that extreme that worrying about it seems a little premature. If
> > my own setting is an indicator then public use of GRASS will be limited
> > until the time that GRASS offers more evenly balanced and integrated
> > capabilities.
> [snip]
> > I think David is right that it would be overkill for day-to-day needs,
> > so long as those needs are limited to the needs for map analysis, and
> > probably for map presentation. The data needs for map construction are
> > much greater than the needs for analysis or presentation and a database
> > system designed to give the capabilites needed for map analysis is
> > likely to be woefully inadequate to serve the demands of map
> > construction.
> >
> > GRASS currently offers some Postgres support, and certainly that is
> > helpful for map construction, but it doesn't come close to meeting the
> > needs.
> I think we all can agree GRASS has a ways to go on both attribute data
> support *and* presentation. Now, if for a vector "map", if each
> layer/component (SITE, LABEL, LINE, AREA) has a separate attribute table
> then wouldn't it be a simple matter to *allow* the user to define one
> column of the table to indicate a "style" for the given thing. Then
> presentation routines could be told which field to use for looking up
> the drawing style for the given thing. The styles themselves, could
> consist of simple text files defining some appropriate variables. GRASS
> would provide a "DEFAULT" style as well as several "sample" styles.
> Styles could be indexed by name or number and would reside outside of
> the database proper (e.g. in etc/styles/ and possibly
> /home/user/.grass5/styles/).
> Hypothetical polygon style example:
> [myStyle]
> AREA {
> line-color: #000000;
> line-width: 0.4pt;
> fill-style: stipple;
> fill-pattern: hatchure10;
> fill-foreground: #0000FF;
> fill-background: transparent;
> };
> The details would have to be fleshed out. If a style could not be
> rendered or found, the drawing agent should try to render what it can
> (possibly using the default settings).
> Being able to define display styles that aren't tied to a particular map
> makes it easier to apply them to subset maps or related maps and get
> consistent results while only having to define the style once. Also, I
> think such a thing doesn't unduly burden any analysis/management aspects
> of the system.
> Comments?
Has anyone had a look at the draft ISO standards? They deal with a lot of these
issues. Been talking to our local rep on the TC/211 geomatics committee, and the
impression I get is that they are not averse to open source apps implementing the
standards ;-) More on this if anyone interested.
> --
> Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>
john reid e-mail john_reid at uow.edu.au
technical officer room G02, building 41
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university of wollongong fax +61 02 4221 4250
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