[GRASS5] r.fill.dir

Roger S. Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Thu May 10 13:00:24 EDT 2001


I (finally) completed the changes I was making on r.fill.dir.  Markus has
kindly installed the new version in the CVS tree and it's ready for
further testing and use.

This version of r.fill.dir is a major revision of the original.  I
replaced all fortran code and integrated everything into a single program.
All i/o uses the gislib i/o routines and the code should correctly handle
all raster types and null values.   The revised code runs about 3 times
faster than the original code, uses less memory and fewer temp files than
the original code and solves problems that the original code failed to

Markus and I both ran tests on a variety of rasters, but I'm sure more
tests could be run.  The program doesn't fill all raster files in a single
run.  In some cases it may be necessary to run r.fill.dir repeatedly
(using output from one run as input to the next run) before all of problem
areas are filled.

If you have the time please run your examples through r.fill.dir and let
me know if you find any problems.

Roger Miller
Lee Wilson and Associates

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