[GRASS5] Having problems...
Malcolm Blue
mblue at nb.sympatico.ca
Mon May 7 21:36:08 EDT 2001
You seem to be having a few different problems, some of which may be related to the path environment variable being set incorrectly.
Alexis Morgan wrote:
> Dear Grass5 team,
> I've just loaded Grass5.0 for NT/2000 onto my machine and I'm having a few
> problems.
> 1. If I double click on the startxwin.bat file - I just get a popup dos box
> that does nothing. The only way that I can get an xterm to start up is if I
> use Exceed to start into an XWindows session and then run the
> "startxwin.bat" file. Is this okay or am I causing problems by doing this?
> If so, how can I avoid using Exceed?
This sounds like the paths in the startxwin.bat are not correct. I'm not sure about the latest version of Cygwin/XFree86, but all of the earlier versions did not have the path set correctly in startxwin.bat. I also see some path problems in the error message below. See my
comments later on.
By the way, which versions of Cygwin and XFree are you using?
> 2. The first time I ran through things (ran the bash --login -i command and
> then ran grass5), everything loaded properly. However, upon rebooting my
> system and trying again, I'm getting a "ERROR: Invalid return code from
> gis_set.tcl. Please adise GRASS developers of this error.
> /usr/local/grass5/etc/Init.sh: GISDBASE: parameter not set". Any thoughts
> on this?
Did you try to run tcltkgrass during the first session? Try starting up (in your bash shell in the xterm, of course) with "grass5 -text". This will avoid the tcltk shell startup. See if that solves the problem. If you still have problems with GISDBASE parameter not set, try
specifying this on the grass5 command line. You might also need to specify the location and mapset (use "grass5 --help" for details). Something like
grass5 -text /grassdata/spearfish/PERMANENT
After this is working for you, you can try tcltkgrass with the "tcltkgrass&" command line at the grass prompt.
> 3. I'm also having trouble getting the graphics window to come up once in
> Grass. When I got into Grass the first time, things seemed to be working
> properly, but I was still having trouble with the d.mon command and getting
> the graphics window to come up (it gave an error message of:
> "The dynamic link library libX11.dll count not be found in the specified
> path
> C:\cygwin\usr\local\grass5\driver;.;C:\WINNT\System32;C:\WINNT\system;C:\WINNT;C:\cygwin\usr\local\grass5=bin;C:\cygwin\usr\local\grass5\scripts;
> C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\WINNT\system32;c:\WINNT;c:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;
> c:\usr/X11R6\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cygwin\bin."
This looks like a problem. Are these errors from you copying the message manually or from errors in the path?
C:\cygwin\usr\local\grass5=bin should be C:\cygwin\usr\local\grass5\bin
should be C:\usr\X11R6\bin or more likely C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin
It also looks like the cygwin path translation from DOS to UNIX style paths isn't happening. Bash should be using the cygwin1.dll to handle this translation. There were some problems with paths reported with cygwin 1.3.1. Are you by any chance using this version?
I use the following path line in my startxwin.bat file:
SET PATH=%PATH%;\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin;\cygwin\bin;\cygwin\usr\bin;\cygwin\usr\local\bin
and have added the "-e bash --login -i" to my xterm lines, to start bash right away.
if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" start /B xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e bash --login -i
if "%OS%" == "" start xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e bash --login -i
All of the other lines can stay the same. See if these work for you.
I've sent this reply to the wingrass list, but cc'd to the grass5 list since you will probably look there for replies. Please send followup to the wingrass list, since these problems are more cygwin related than grass related.
Let us know how you make out.
> Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Alexis Morgan
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Alexis J. Morgan, M.Sc Candidate
> GUESS Research Group
> Department of Geography & Planning
> University of Toronto
> 45 St.George St., Toronto, ON.
> Email: alexis.morgan at utoronto.ca
> Web: http://www.geocities.com/ajm_research/
> ----------------------------------------
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