[GRASS5] NVIZ startup

Bob Covill bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca
Wed May 2 20:52:50 EDT 2001


I have applied a change to the NVIZ startup script for more flexible
handling of parameters. The -h and -help flags are still handled by TCL,
but all aother arguments are now passed to NVWISH. 

This way the arguments are handled by the G_parser allowing more
flexible entry.

eg. nviz2.2 e=test.dem ve=contours site=data2

Bob Covill

Tekmap Consulting
P.O. Box 2016 Fall River, N.S.
B2T 1K6

E-Mail: bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca
Phone: 902-860-1496
Fax: 902-860-1498

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