[GRASS5] [bug #249] (grass) r.rescale: -z flag wanted

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed May 2 07:51:34 EDT 2001

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=249

Subject: r.rescale: -z flag wanted

  r.rescale input=asp1 from=0,180 output=test_north to=1,1
  r.rescale does not set cells outside the "from" range to 0 (described in the
  help), but to NULL
  (reported by timcera at earthlink.net)

Andreas Lange, 10/2000: This is IMHO not a bug, but a feature. All modules
  should write NULL instead of 0 (zero) for missing values for patching 
  maps or display overlays. 
  But if the problem with r.reclass is solved i can add a "-z" flag that
  switches this behaviour from writing NULL to writing "0" (zero).
  (being worked on by Andreas Lange)

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