[GRASS5] [bug #241] (grass) r.proj: reads the entire raster into memory

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed May 2 07:27:02 EDT 2001

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=241

Subject: r.proj: reads the entire raster into memory 

 It needs a small rewrite to not read the entire raster into
 memory.  It is useless with large rasters and will seriously bog down your
 machine.  I haven't had a chance to really grok it, but I think "rowio"   
 would be appropriate -- although, even that wouldn't be required.  I think
 at most it needs three rows in memory for cubic interpolation.

 -> comment from Morten Hulden: This can only happen with *large* maps.

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