[GRASS5] grass database: where to put it

Roger Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Thu Nov 29 11:19:40 EST 2001

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Helena Mitasova wrote:

> >
> We have had some discussion about this with Markus but I am curious to
> hear from others:
> Where do you put your GRASS database on your system (say you expect it
> to have 10-20GB)


I work on a small network of desktop computers, with grass installed on
one of the desktops.  It's on the only desktop situated to provide for
external access through the firewall.  I need all of the members of my
workgroup to have simultaneous access to in-progress work.

I created a grass super-user named "gis" and a group also named gis.  I
installed the grass data base as /home/gis/grassdata and modified the
security system in grass so that access to the data base was controlled by
membership in the gis group.  Further, I changed the locking system so
that multiple users were allowed simultaneous access to the same location.
Simultaneous access to the same mapset awaits changes in the way that
grass handles some settings--current region, for example.

My modifications haven't been extensively tested and I know of at least
one problem, but otherwise they work pretty well.

Roger Miller
Lee Wilson and Associates.

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