[GRASS5] site time stamp

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Sep 27 21:03:55 EDT 2001


I am testing the support for spatio-temporal data and I have found that
the time stamp
in the site file header is ignored by s.surf.rst and s.info - I checked
the code and I don't see
a bug there so it appears that the problem is in G_site_get_head or I am
not using the right
format. I could not find a description of the site format and its header
on the official GRASS website
so I am using my notes which may be obsolete (Markus I know that it is
in the prog. manual
but I cannot read it at the moment). According to that, header with time
looks like this:

desc|Testing time stamp survey data from NRCS for Ft.Hood subwatershed
timestamp|15 Jan 1998
labels|x y z code, AA BB is gully faultline

however s.info reads only:
Header Information:
 name          test.time
 description   Testing time stamp survey data from NRCS for Ft.Hood
 labels        x y z code, AA BB is gully faultline

in spite of the fact that writing the time stamp, if it exists, is in
the s.info source code.
If anybody knows where the problem is please let me know (or if you
could at least
point out where the site library is hiding, I am having difficulty
finding it)



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