[GRASS5] [bug #976] (grass) v.transform would not read that header of files
Radim Blazek
blazek at itc.it
Mon Apr 8 05:18:09 EDT 2002
On Thursday 04 April 2002 06:28 pm, rgrmill at rt66.com wrote:
> I ran it through gdb. The error occurs when opening the new dig_att
> file. It is caused because the pointer to the mapset (Trans.mapset) had
> an initial value of 0X64. The code in G__file_name assumes that the
> mapset value that it is passed is either 0 or that it points to an
> accessible location; 0X64 isn't an accessible location.
> I can get around the problem by initializing with Trans.mapset=NULL.
> The mapset name for the current dig_att file (Current.mapset) was also
> uninitialized, but it had an initial value of 0x0, so it passed the test
> used in G__file_name without tripping a seg fault.
> Roger Miller
Thanks for tests and sorry for bug. I commited mapset initialization,
should be OK now.
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