[GRASS5] most recent snapshot

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Apr 8 17:30:25 EDT 2002

Helena wrote:

> >  s.surf.rst did not compile because it
> > couldn't find "glocale.h.".  That file doesn'.t exist anywhere in the
> > snapshot (or in the pre2 release)  so it appears to be a problem with the
> > code.
> isn't this caused by the recent addition added by Alex to support localization?
> I
> We did not have that problem here. Does anybody have any advice how this should
> be handled
> so that it compiles for everybody?

AFAICT, this was just a bad snapshot, resulting from the update to
s.surf.rst having been committed to the release branch (which didn't
have glocale.h) instead of the head (which did have it).

Anyone using the current cvs head version (or any subsequent snapshot
of it) will have glocale.h.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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