[GRASS5] Re: Grass and question
Markus Neteler
neteler at itc.it
Tue Apr 16 16:16:02 EDT 2002
(cc to grass5 with permission)
On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 09:18:49AM -0700, Syd Visser wrote:
> Markus Neteler
> We are a geophysical (mining, engineering and environmental) consulting
> contracting company (located in Vancouver Canada) that is trying to get
> away from using propriety software to display and analyze out data. I have
> had a programmer looking at the software in the last few months to see if
> grass would be suitable alternative. It certainly appears to be going in
> the direction we are hoping for and already can be very useful in our
> work. At this time most of our work is in 2D but we are certainly heading
> toward 3D.
> We are also getting heavily into geophysical inversions and have last
> month finished installing a 12 node cluster to perform 3D inversions thus
> we are also moving from windows to linux.
> The question I have are as follows
> 1.. We have noted a weakness in the colour management of raster maps and
> have added some of our own routines supplement your routines. Would you
> be interested in adding them to grass and is there someone in particular
> who we should communicate with on this.
Yes, of course we are interested. Perhaps you could send a short
description of the changes along with the code. I hope that they
are related to GRASS 5.
> 2.. We have noticed some problems (these may or may not be bugs) in some
> of your routines and my programmer has some suggestion in how to fix
> some of these again whom should we be contacting?. We certainly would
> not like to make these changes and not have them incorporated into the
> next version.
You may contact either me or another member of the team:
or write to the GRASS 5 developers list (most appreciated):
> 3.. Nviz2.2 appears to be missing volume rendering is this being
> planned? If so at what stage is it? It certainly would fit very well
> into what we are looking for.
Unfortunately there are no plans currently to integrate the volume rendering
since we do not have anyone to do that. If you see capabilities for
one of your programmers, we can certainly give recommendations and hints.
Some developers of the volume tools are members (also listening here)
but too overloaded to add volume rendering to NVIZ.
> 4.. Do you know of anyone else in the Vancouver area using grass?
Hi list... (hope someone will answer)
> I have been trying to get our programmer to communicate with you or grass
> developers but his English (he is of Russian origin) is relatively poor
> (although I think it is real good) therefore he has been very hesitant in
> starting this communication.
We also have russian team members (also listening here). In case of
problems, your programmer may contact them directly.
But here are many non-native speakers.
> I am therefore asking you for suggestions on where to go from here.
> Thank you
> Syd
> ///////////////////////////////
> Syd Visser P.Geo
> SJ Geophysics Ltd.
> sydv at sjgeophysics.com
> www.sjgeophysics.com
Thanks a lot for your promising mail,
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