[GRASS5] Zoom

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Mon Apr 29 09:39:58 EDT 2002


sorry to be late, there were some public holidays here and
I don't have computer at home. It was necessary to do more
than I expected. No, I have d.zoom with following features:
- d.zoom: jumps directly to zoom menu
- d.zoom -f: original new full menu with pan and zoom
- d.zoom -h: handheld mode, zoom by window with left button only
             (box is drawn if pointer is draged after first click,
              I don't know why, but it was necessary to call 
              R_get_location_with_box() for first click, otherwise
              the rectangle is not drawn on iPaq)
- if region is near the resolution, increasing of resolution is 
  offered to user
- if region is too big, decreasing of resolution is offered
- LL regions handled hopefuly better than in the original old version
  (i.e. unzoom does not zoom in)
- warnigs if outside default region 

My question now is, what to do with that:
1. throw it away
2. save for 5.0.1 or 5.1
3. commit to HEAD
4. commit to releasebranch_24_April_2002_5_0_0 and HEAD

I would prefer 1., because I dont want to hear about d.zoom


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