[GRASS5] g51 Vect_set/get_header

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Mon Apr 29 12:02:05 EDT 2002


in g51 vector library, i would like to replace direct access to
Map_info structure and replace fuctions like V2_num_lines()
by one or few funcitons. I see two possibilities:
int Vect_get_header( struct Map_info Map, int item, char *cval, 
              int *ival, double *dval)

    - *val would be pointers to variables where the value should be saved

char Vect_get_header_c( struct Map_info Map, int item)
int   Vect_get_header_i( struct Map_info Map, int item)
double Vect_get_header_d( struct Map_info Map, int item)
     - all return value (pointer to value)

item is code for header field (GV_HEAD_SCALE, GV_NUM_LINES, ...)

What should i use? Or do you know about anything better?


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