[GRASS5] Bug Status

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Wed Dec 11 17:52:56 EST 2002

And here another of the popular reported bugs statistic. :)

On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 05:18:00PM +0200, Bernhard Reiter wrote:

> Bugs:
|            61 | open     |
|             3 | stalled  |

Is is up from 54 in August.
Still hoping out that Glynn and Andreas recheck on that stalled bugs.

Priority of the open bugs:
| count(priority) | priority |
|               1 |       10 |
|               7 |       20 |
|               1 |       28 |
|              47 |       30 |
|               5 |       70 |

The analysis from august still holds:

> This means: We need more people to classify the bugs,
> which is a good indicator for the more active developers on what to
> focus on first.

Are up from 35.

 	|            48 | open     |

| count(priority) | priority |
|               1 |       15 |
|              12 |       20 |
|              35 |       30 |

Maybe we should start voting on wishes. :)
> Same thing: We should prioritise the wishs at least a bit.

Here are the people with the most transactions in the grass queue
beginning with 2002 10 01. 

| count(t.actor) | actor                           |
|             74 | mneteler                        |
|             70 | guest                           |
|             20 | jidanni at dman.ddts.net           |
|             17 | bernhard                        |
|             15 | gclements                       |
|             12 | glynn.clements at virgin.net       |
|             11 | neteler at itc.it                  |
|              5 | paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk   |
|              4 | fwarmerdam                      |
|              2 | ferret_bard at mac.com             |
|              1 | egm2 at jps.net                    |
|              1 | jeshua at OpenOSX.com              |
|              1 | jolsenho at cosmos.dsc.unomaha.edu |
|              1 | lisad at TILAB.COM                 |
|              1 | phothont at ses.curtin.edu.au      |
|              1 | sholl at gmx.net                   |
|              1 | smitch at eos.geog.utoronto.ca     |

As you can see Markus is clearly leading the pack with Glynn coming in second.  
I mostly do cleanup which still brings me up there.

Good to see Frank still steadily working on the long term things. 
Dan <jidanni at dman.ddts.net> earns the feedback-newcomer award this round!

Hey, were is the rest of you?
At least shift priorities on your favorite wishs a bit. :)
The RT system is easy to use!
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