[GRASS5] Problems with vector import, and a suggestion

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Feb 7 21:37:18 EST 2002

Markus Neteler wrote:

> ... a v.in.ogr comes to my mind. Perhaps efforts can be bundled
> to extend OGR with E00, DXF and Ungenerate and build v.in.ogr
> on top of that (I like the r.in.gdal very much).
> Just an obvious suggestion,

Markus, et al,

I am definately planning a v.in.ogr (or perhaps even call it v.import?)
for GRASS 5.1 once David's work on "whole polygon" to GRASS topology is
settled in and ported to the GRASS 5.1 vector architecture.  This would
hopefully provide some consolidation to the vector import process in a
manner similar to what r.in.gdal attempts for rasters.

I would add that E00 (+arc binary coveragE) will be added in coming weeks;
however m.in.e00 may still be better since it doesn't have to go through
the intermediate "simple features" geometry (ie. whole polygons).

Ungenerate is a lame format with only one numeric attribute per feature,
so I don't suggest it as an interchange format except for the most desperate
of situations.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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