[GRASS5] d.area.class

M Lennert fa1079 at qmul.ac.uk
Sun Feb 17 08:14:07 EST 2002


While waiting for a new, consolidated d.vect: here is the new version of my d.area.class script for use with the latest d.vect.area version (see below for usage).

Linked to that a question I asked in another mail without getting a response (I guess is was buried in the rest) :

Is it possible to access the predefined palettes (greyscales, red to green, etc) from the shell ? 
And if not, how are they implemented (i.e. how to create color scale dynamically depending on 
the number of categories) ? A hint to the relevant places in the source code would be enough (I just don't want to reinvent the wheel).

Usage: d.area.class map=name catfile=name classes=boundary1[,boundary2,..] linecolor=R:G:B [colfile=name][reclass=name]

 map = vector map to display
 catfile = variable file with 2 columns seperated by whitespace: 1=category 2=variable by which to class
 classes = class boundaries separated by comma (but no whitespaces), starting with boundary between class 1 and 2 and ending with boundary between class 
max-1 and max 
 linecolor = color of boundary lines given in Red Green Blue values seperated by colons (default: 0:0:0=black)
 colfile = name of the file into which you wish to save the color legend file
 reclass = name of the file into which you wish to save the reclass rules

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     File:  darea~1.cla
     Date:  15 Feb 2002, 16:57
     Size:  4060 bytes.
     Type:  Unknown
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