[GRASS5] [bug #1128] (grass) can't display 3D file with NVIZ

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Jun 24 03:34:36 EDT 2002

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1128

Subject: can't display 3D file with NVIZ

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: GRASS 5.0.0pre4 (May 2002)


I try to display a 3D site file within NVIZ and it doesn't work (nviz crashes during startup).
Here are the first ten lines of my 3D site file:

desc|s.in.ascii sites=planeur input=/home/hasenohr/data/grass/planeur.txt fs=tab

And below is the error message I get.
Thanks for your help.

Paul Hasenohr

Site dim: 3
Sites file planeur at hasenohr loaded.
Adding panels from /home/hasenohr/data/grass/grass541/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts
toplevel made
info widget made
panel area made
file menu made
Help menu made
disabled made
Nv_mkPanelMenu 1
Nv_mkPanelMenu 2 0
Nv_mkPanelMenu 2 1
Error in startup script: divide by zero
    while executing
"expr $val/floor($val/$res)"
    (procedure "Nv_floatscaleCallback" line 79)
    invoked from within
"Nv_floatscaleCallback $S b 0 $cmd $curr"
    (procedure "Nv_mkFloatScale" line 44)
    invoked from within
"Nv_mkFloatScale $tmp.sitesize h "site size" $longdim  0 $size change_site_size
    (procedure "mksitePanel" line 71)
    invoked from within
"mk$name\Panel $path"
    (procedure "Nv_force_panel" line 10)
    invoked from within
"Nv_force_panel $i"
    (procedure "Nv_mkPanelMenu" line 12)
    invoked from within
"Nv_mkPanelMenu $Nv_(AREA).menu.panel"
    (procedure "Nv_makeGUI" line 77)
    invoked from within
"Nv_makeGUI .top"
    (file "/home/hasenohr/data/grass/grass541/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2
_script" line 660)
child process exited abnormally
    while executing
"exec /home/hasenohr/data/grass/grass541/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 -f /home/h
asenohr/data/grass/grass541/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2_script -..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval exec $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 -f $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/scri
pts/nviz2.2_script -name NVIZ >&@stdout"
    invoked from within
"if {$argv == ""} {
#no arguments
eval exec $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 -f $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/scrip
ts/nviz2.2_script -name NVIZ >&@stdo..."
    (file "/home/hasenohr/data/grass/grass541/grass5/bin/nviz" line 16)
Mapset <hasenohr> in Location <planeur>

On the GRASS list, I received an answer to this problem from Kevin Slover. His solution is working. I put here a copy of his email.
    I had experienced the same problem, dividing by zero.  I just tried again on my
version (pre3) and had the error.  Thanks to Bob Covill, he was able to track down
the problem and modified the script so that it would work.  I have attached a copy
of the panel_site.tcl script, which is placed in your $GISBASE/etc/nviz2.2/scripts
directory.  Upon replacing the old with the new this morning, it worked fine.


See if it works or not...

(Just in case the attachment doesn't make it through)

# Default Priority for this panel
# priority is from 0 to 10
#  the lower the number, the quicker it will be bumped
#  10 cannot be bumped
#  Panels will be loaded by the greater of 5 or their current priority


# procedure to make main control area

proc mksitePanel { BASE } {
    global Nv_

    catch {destroy $BASE}

    #  Initialize panel info
    if [catch {set Nv_($BASE)}] {
 set panel [St_create {window name size priority} $BASE "Sites" 1 5]
    } else {
 set panel $Nv_($BASE)

    frame $BASE  -relief groove -borderwidth 2
    Nv_mkPanelname $BASE "Site Panel"

    set tmp [frame $BASE.top]
    label $tmp.current -text "Current:" -anchor nw
    mkMapList $tmp.list site
    button $tmp.new  -text New -anchor ne -command "add_map site"
    button $tmp.delete  -text Delete -anchor ne -command "delete_map site"

    set curr [Nget_current site]

    if {0 != $curr}  {
 set width [Nsite$curr get_att width]
 set size [Nsite$curr get_att size]
 set Nv_(siteshape) [Nsite$curr get_att marker]
 set maplist [Nget_map_list surf]
 set longdim [expr ([Nget_longdim]) / 50 ]

 # We do this check to make sure that size is ALWAYS set to
 # something sensible the first time the surface is loaded
 if {$size == "0"} then {
     Nsite$curr set_att size [expr $longdim / 10.0]
     set size [Nsite$curr get_att size]
 if {"$Nv_(siteshape)" == ""} then {
     Nsite$curr set_att marker x
     set Nv_(siteshape) [Nsite$curr get_att marker]
 if {$width == "0"} then {
     Nsite$curr set_att width 2
     set width [Nsite$curr get_att width]
    } else {
 set width 1
 set size 10
 set Nv_(siteshape) x
 set Nv_(sitedisplay) 3d
 set maplist {}
 set longdim 100

    pack $tmp.current -side left  -expand 1
    pack $tmp.list -side left
    pack $tmp.delete $tmp.new -side right -expand 1

    pack $tmp -side top -fill x -expand 1

    frame $BASE.f
    button $BASE.f.close -text Close \
 -command "Nv_closePanel $BASE" -anchor s
    button $BASE.f.color -text Color -anchor s \
 -command "change_color site $BASE.f.color"
    button $BASE.f.draw_current -text {Draw Current} -anchor s \
 -command {Nsite_draw_one [Nget_current site]}
    bind $BASE.f.color <Expose> \
 "$BASE.f.color configure -bg \[get_curr_sv_color site\]"

    pack $BASE.f.close -side right
    pack $BASE.f.color $BASE.f.draw_current -side left -expand 1
    pack $BASE.f -side bottom -fill x -expand 1

    set tmp [frame $BASE.left]
puts "DEBUG -- Nv_mkFloatScale $tmp.sitesize h \"site size\" $longdim 0 $size
change_site_size 2"
    Nv_mkFloatScale $tmp.sitesize h "site size" $longdim \
 0 $size change_site_size 2
    Nv_mkArrows $tmp.linewidth "Line Width" [concat set_width site] $width

    frame $tmp.siteshape

    radiobutton $tmp.siteshape.x -relief flat -text "use X" -value x \
 -anchor nw -variable Nv_(siteshape) -command change_marker
    radiobutton $tmp.siteshape.sphere -relief flat -text "use sphere" \
 -value sphere -anchor nw -variable Nv_(siteshape) \
 -command change_marker
    radiobutton $tmp.siteshape.diamond -relief flat -text "use diamond" \
 -value diamond -anchor nw -variable Nv_(siteshape) \
 -command change_marker

    pack $tmp.siteshape.x $tmp.siteshape.sphere $tmp.siteshape.diamond  \
 -fill x -expand 1
    pack $tmp.sitesize $tmp.linewidth $tmp.siteshape \
 -side top -expand 1 -fill x
    pack $tmp -side left  -fill y -expand 1

    set tmp [frame $BASE.right]

    frame $tmp.sitedisp
    radiobutton  $tmp.sitedisp.threed -text "3D Sites" \
 -anchor nw -variable Nv_(sitedisplay) -value 3d \
 -command change_site_mode
    radiobutton  $tmp.sitedisp.surfdisp -text "Display on surface(s):" \
 -anchor nw -variable Nv_(sitedisplay) -value surfdisp \
 -command change_site_mode

    Nv_mkSurfacelist $tmp.list $maplist Nsite$curr site
    pack $tmp.sitedisp.threed $tmp.sitedisp.surfdisp -fill x
    pack $tmp.sitedisp $tmp.list  -side top
    pack $tmp -side right -fill y -expand 1

    return $panel

# Reset procedure for this panel
proc Nviz_site_reset {} {
    set site_list [Nget_site_list]

    foreach i $site_list {
 Nsite$i delete

    set_new_curr site 0

# Save procedure for saving state of Nviz site files
proc Nviz_site_save {file_hook} {
    # For each site file we write out all of its attribute information.
    # Sitess are referenced by logical name so that they are reloadable
    # (otherwise, they may be assigned different id's each time they are loaded
    # and scripts won't work correctly).

    # Get the list of site files
    set site_list [Nget_site_list]

    # Get the list of surfaces for checking draping
    set surf_list [Nget_surf_list]

    # Write out the total number of site files
    puts $file_hook "[llength $site_list]"

    # For each site file write out the following:
    # 1. Logical name
    # 2. map name
    # 3. color
    # 4. width
    # 5. list of logical names of surfaces displayed on
    # 6. marker
    # 7. size
    # 8. useatt
    # 9. display
    foreach i $site_list {

 # logical name
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_logical_name]"

 # map name
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_att map]"

 # color
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_att color]"

 # width
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_att width]"

 # logical names of surfaces displayed on
 set draped [list]
 foreach j $surf_list {
     if {[Nsite$i surf_is_selected Nsurf$j]} then {
  lappend draped $j
 puts $file_hook "[llength $draped]"
 foreach j $draped {
     puts $file_hook "[Nlogical_from_literal Nsurf$j]"

 # marker
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_att marker]"

 # size
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_att size]"

 # useatt
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_att useatt]"

 # display
 puts $file_hook "[Nsite$i get_att display]"

 flush $file_hook

    # Done...

# Load procedure for loading state of Nviz site files
proc Nviz_site_load { file_hook } {
    # Read the number of  sites saved in this state file
    gets $file_hook num_sites

    # For each site file, create a new site map object with the given
    # logical name and fill in the attributes as appropriate
    for {set i 0} {$i < $num_sites} {incr i} {
 # Read in the logical name for this new site map
 gets $file_hook logical_name

 # Now create a new site map with the given logical name
 set new_site [Nnew_map_obj site "name=$logical_name"]

 # Set all attributes as appropriate (i.e. as they are read from the state file)

 # map
 gets $file_hook att_data
 $new_site set_att map $att_data

 # color
 gets $file_hook att_data
 $new_site set_att color $att_data

 # width
 gets $file_hook att_data
 $new_site set_att width $att_data

 # Select all the appropriate surfaces to put this map on
 gets $file_hook num_selected_surfs
 for {set j 0} {$j < $num_selected_surfs} {incr j} {
     gets $file_hook selected_surf

     # Select this surf by translating from a logical name and selecting
     $new_site select_surf [Nliteral_from_logical $selected_surf]

 # marker
 gets $file_hook att_data
 $new_site set_att marker $att_data

 # size
 gets $file_hook att_data
 $new_site set_att size $att_data

 # useatt
 gets $file_hook att_data
 $new_site set_att useatt $att_data

 # display
 gets $file_hook att_data
 $new_site set_att display $att_data

 Nset_current site [string range $new_site 5 end]


proc change_marker {} {
    global Nv_

    set curr [Nget_current site]
    if {0 != $curr} {
 Nsite$curr set_att marker $Nv_(siteshape)

proc change_site_mode {} {
    global Nv_

    set curr [Nget_current site]
    if {0 != $curr} {
 if {![Nsite$curr set_att display $Nv_(sitedisplay)]} then {
     set Nv_(sitedisplay) surfdisp

proc change_site_size {size} {
    set curr [Nget_current site]
    if {0 != $curr} {
 Nsite$curr set_att size $size

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