[GRASS5] successful launch of Envisat, request on remote sensing modules

wolfluck at mweb.co.za wolfluck at mweb.co.za
Fri Mar 1 05:54:01 EST 2002

Dear development team

Have you heard the latest news? Envisat, Europe's largest remote sensing
satellite was launched successfully at 02:00 this morning on an Ariane 5
rocket. The first images should soon be made available to the academic

Another matter. How is r.in.hdf coming along for HDF 5 import and a function
to orthorectify Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery? Markus mentioned that someone was
working on it. 

What atmospheric correction models have been implemented into GRASS ? I have
the source code for a 6S model, which I might be able to port to GRASS, and
the implementation of the COST model from Chavez, 1996, should not be to

Then has anyone ever done a Minnaert topographic (solar) correction in
GRASS? I presume that r.linear.regression is the appropriate command for the
regression analysis necessary for this rectification process. Unfortunately
it needs ASCII files in a specific format as input. How can the
preclassified image be exported to this? Isn't it possible to do a
regression analysis with raster files directly within for instance mapcalc?

Greetings Wolfgang

Wolfgang Lück
Infoterra GmbH
88039 Friedrichshafen

Tel: + 49 7545 8 2150
Fax: + 49 7545 8 5650
email: Wolfgang.Lueck at astrium-space.com

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