[GRASS5] bug in d.what.rast

Roger Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Sun Mar 3 09:16:50 EST 2002

> The man page says it outputs row/col for the entire map region.  It's
> a bit ambiguous what that means.  One reason to use the window vs.
> the actual cell region, is probably because the coordinates derived
> from a mouse click are based on the display window.  It should be
> consistent with how the categories are looked up (otherwise, it'd
> likely report a row/col value that doesn't match the category reported).
> > Another question springs to mind, namely whether d.what.rast should
> > read the region from the monitor rather than using the current window,
> > as the monitor's region reflects what is actually displayed in the
> > window.
> Probably should use the monitor's.  In practice, they'll probably
> be the same as user's aren't likely to change the region setting
> between drawing the raster and querying it.  Still, if they do,
> it could lead to interesting results...

The -c option is intended to give the location in the map, hence it 
initiailizes the cellhd structure from the raster file.

Printing the monitor row/col would be a useless result -- at least for my 
purpose.  The idea is to locate a feature in the map.  I'm not sure what 
other people use it for, but I use it to locate the row/column location of a 
feature in a groundwater model where I need to know row and column.  I 
imagine that other people might have similar uses for it.  I don't think that 
GRASS offers any other facility to do the same thing.  The location of the 
feature on the monitor has no value that I can imagine. 

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