[GRASS5] NASA AvSP Survey - Request for Participation

Hal Mueller hal at seanet.com
Wed Mar 20 14:02:08 EST 2002

[Forwarded from the FME list...I haven't seen the survey yet--H]

Please forward this announcement to all appropriate members of your
visual simulation database and applications development team.


The Aviation Safety Program at the NASA Langley Research Center
(http://avsp.larc.nasa.gov/) is beginning a survey of the visual
simulation (Vis-Sim) community. We are specifically interested in the
tools and techniques that are used by the community for terrain
modeling and synthetic vision applications.

To be as comprehensive as possible, we are asking developers and users
of Vis-Sim systems to participate in a web-based survey. We seek
respondents from all aspects of project development: Planning, GIS and
Image Processing, Terrain Modeling, Application Development, and Life
Cycle Support. This would ideally include multiple respondents from
within each participating organization. We therefore ask that you
distribute this Request For Participation to all members of your
Visual Simulation team.

The survey should take between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. A
summary of the results will be sent to all respondents. To maintain
anonymity, no individual responses will be distributed. However,
participants agree by taking the survey that there is NO implicit or
explicit expectation of privacy with regards to any answers and no
proprietary information should be volunteered.

If you are able to participate in this survey, please send a message
to avsp-survey at larc.nasa.gov. You will then get the URL for the
survey and an ID and password. The response period for the Vis-Sim
Terrain Modeling Survey will be 15 MAR 2002 to 15 APR 2002. The
preliminary results should be ready for distribution by 1 MAY 2002.

Thank you. We look forward to your participation.

Rob Kudlinski


AVSP Survey Contact Information
         mailto:avsp-survey at larc.nasa.gov
Survey Administration
         Thom DeCarlo
         mailto:t.r.decarlo at larc.nasa.gov
         Phone: (757) 865-3872
         Fax: (757) 865-4496

Robert A. Kudlinski
15 Langley Blvd. / Mail Stop 125
NASA Langley Research Center
Building 1268, Room 1054
Hampton, VA  23681-0001

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