[GRASS5] [bug #976] (grass) v.transform would not read that header of files

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Mar 22 03:17:35 EST 2002

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=976

Subject: v.transform would not read that header of files

Roger Miller /Carl Worth wrote
 > > 10. v.out.ascii gave me a header with a blank line imbedded in it, and
 > > v.transform would not read that header.
 > As far as I used v.transform, it doesn't need a header. From
 > http://grass.itc.it/gdp/html_grass5/html/v.transform.html
 > "An example of the pointsfile file:
I just ran into the same bug. It's not in the pointsfile, but rather
that v.out.ascii makes a blanks line in the header of the generated
vector ascii file. Then, v.transform aborts when it encounters the
blank line.
I don't know which module is buggy here.

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