[GRASS5] g.region G_usage() commented out?

Russell Nelson nelson at crynwr.com
Sun May 19 22:48:20 EDT 2002

Glynn Clements writes:
 > Are you sure about the removal of the "marker" code? I would guess
 > that it's there for a reason (although I have no idea what that reason
 > might be).

Reasonably.  I tracked down all the subroutines called to make sure
they are happy with a null string.  Perhaps it's something left over
from the Fortran code?  I seem to recall needing to put such things
into Fortran prorgams.

-russ nelson              http://russnelson.com | Nelson's principle: when
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | someone proposes a solution,
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | always ask for a definition
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