[GRASS5] another approach to i18n for tcltkgrass; former one revoked

Russell Nelson nelson at crynwr.com
Mon May 20 10:08:47 EDT 2002

Glynn Clements writes:
 > Also, the generation of the translated scripts needs to be automatic. 
 > If a developer makes any changes to tcltkgrass, they shouldn't have to
 > change multiple versions.

Yeah, the whole idea behind i18n is to separate out the code from
the messages.  That way, the programmers can change the code in
magical and mysterious ways without needing to interact with
translators in any way.  For example, the code can be recompiled, menu 
entries moved around, or even translated from Tcl/Tk into C or Python
or Perl, and the programmers never need to touch the translations.

I don't know if Tcl/Tk supports libintl in the current version.
Switching to a version that does is much, much better than siccing
translators on the tcltkgui source code.

-russ nelson              http://russnelson.com | Nelson's principle: when
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