[GRASS5] Pre4 on Mac OS X

Jeshua Lacock jeshua at SierraMaps.com
Mon May 27 22:43:53 EDT 2002

I have successfully built most of Grass Pre 4 here in Mac OS X land.

I had to edit "configure" for it to configure for postgres: I changed 
"-lcrypt" to "-lssl -lcrypto" in the "configure" file.

To successfully build "src/libes/proj", I had to edit geod.c: It was 
pciky about the order of including "ctype.h". Here is the patch:

*** orig/src/libes/proj/geod.c   Mon May 27 14:07:06 2002
--- new/src/libes/proj/geod.c    Sat Apr 20 12:13:44 2002
*** 4,12 ****
   /* <<<< Geodesic filter program >>>> */
   # include "projects.h"
   # include <stdio.h>
- # include <ctype.h>
   # include "geodesic.h"
   # include "emess.h"
   # include <string.h>

   # define MAXLINE 200
--- 4,12 ----
   /* <<<< Geodesic filter program >>>> */
   # include "projects.h"
   # include <stdio.h>
   # include "geodesic.h"
   # include "emess.h"
+ # include <ctype.h>
   # include <string.h>

   # define MAXLINE 200


I have run into some linking trouble with geo.point:

gcc -L/usr/src/grass5.0.0pre4/src/libes/LIB.powerpc-apple-darwin5.4   -o 
OBJ.powerpc-apple-darwin5.4/bin_point.o  LIB.powerpc-apple-
darwin5.4/libgeo.a -lgis -llock  -I/usr   -lz
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:

I thoght it was a link order error, so I tried:

cc -L/usr/src/grass5.0.0pre4/src/libes/LIB.powerpc-apple-darwin5.4   -o 
LIB.powerpc-apple-darwin5.4/libgeo.a OBJ.powerpc-apple-
darwin5.4/bin_point.o -lgis -llock  -I/usr   -lz
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:

Any ideas? It seems to be a sort of symbol conflict to me.


Jeshua Lacock __________________________
Programmer/Owner            Phone:   760.935.4736
http://OpenOSX.com           Fax:        760.935.4845

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