[GRASS5] [bug #1400] (grass) couldn't execute "xwininfo"

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Nov 7 12:20:14 EST 2002

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1400

Subject:  couldn't execute "xwininfo"

Platform: mac osx 10.2
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: grass5.0.0pre4

Please enter error description here (and your name)
Christian Tiso: I've got the same bug with source code and with the precompiled 
version: it looks like:
Mapset <pisoni> in Location <prova>                                                            GRASS 
5.0.0pre4 > Error in startup script: couldn't execute "xwininfo": no such file or directory
    while executing
"exec xwininfo -id [winfo id .w_g] | grep -i Corners"
    invoked from within
"scan [exec xwininfo -id [winfo id .w_g] | grep -i Corners] {%*s %d%d} dx dy"
    (file "/usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/gui.tcl" line 1887)
    invoked from within
"source $env(TCLTKGRASSBASE)/main/gui.tcl"
    (file "/usr/local/grass5/bin/tcltkgrass" line 21)

[1]    Exit 1                        tcltkgrass

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