Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Tue Nov 19 03:33:24 EST 2002

I have updated http://mpa.itc.it/radim/g51/g51test-8.tar.gz
and reverted init.sh to version 1.4.


On Monday 18 November 2002 08:03 am, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Regarding the recent change to lib/init/init.sh (in grass51):
> ----------------------------
> revision 1.5
> date: 2002/11/14 09:50:48;  author: alex;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -1
> Scripts in g51test-7 heavily use LOCATION variable - so I guess
> it has to be exported. Besides, scripts 'tour' and 'tower'
> also have to be modified in order to run them from any catalog -
> change './tower' to '$LOCATION/../tower' and './mvascii' the same way.
> I got demo tour working after that.
> ----------------------------
> One of the features which is intended for 5.1 is to allow changing of
> location/mapset within a session. This means that any scripts which
> need to obtain the location/mapset must use g.gisenv. Anything which
> uses environment variables won't work and needs to be fixed.
> The recommended mechanism for Bourne shell scripts is to place the
> following at the start of the script:
> 	: ${GISBASE?}
> 	eval `g.gisenv`
> Actually, a number of existing scripts need to have the quotes added
> to the last line. We need to allow for filenames which contain spaces;
> these are likely to be common on Cygwin and MacOS X.
> In particular, a number of Cygwin users have had problems because
> $HOME contains spaces (e.g. "/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/<user>").
> Similarly, anyone who installs GRASS in "Program Files" or who puts
> the GRASS database in "Application Data" is likely to have major
> problems.

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