[GRASS5] CVS maintenance

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Oct 8 15:45:25 EDT 2002

CVS is up again.

There is a modern openssh daemon running now.

This mean: Now we can also use ssh2 keys.
For new keys version 2 is preferred.

If you see permission denied errors now, you should,
Try adding the "-1" protocol flag to ssh or in the ssh2402 script, 
if you have a modern openssh and a version 2 key around 
but want to use the version 1 key.

On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 08:36:32PM +0200, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> You might encounter difficulties with the write access
> of the CVS in the next half hour as I'm improving it. :)

Professional Service for Free Software                 (intevation.net)  
The FreeGIS Project                                       (freegis.org)
Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure          (ffii.org)
FSF Europe                                              (fsfeurope.org)
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