[GRASS5] Grass 5.0.0 Mac OS 10.2 Report

Scott W Mitchell smitch at eos.geog.utoronto.ca
Wed Oct 9 12:53:18 EDT 2002

I  can help out a little, having just gone through this myself with the 
help of other list members, especially Glynn Clements.

The 'E_edit' problem is similar to the 'round' problem in that there is 
a conflict in names between grass and the system libraries.  Until we 
can figure out an option to force the grass libraries to be searched 
before the system, the solution in this case is to rename edit to 
(e.g.) gedit;  here's the advice that worked for me and others:

>>    It may be that the linker prefers *.dylib to *.a, regardless of
>>    location. In which case, the only solution would be to change the
>>    name. Try changing the corresponding lines in 
>> src/CMD/generic/make.mid
>>    from:
>>            DEPEDITLIB     = $(LIBDIR)/libedit.a
>>            EDITLIB        = -ledit
>>   to:
>>            DEPEDITLIB     = $(LIBDIR)/libgedit.a
>>            EDITLIB        = -lgedit
>> Then re-compile (you might need to run "make clean" first).

I think this will fix all your errors with respect to "E_edit".  I 
haven't found a solution to the gdal problem.



> On Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at 11:26 PM, Jeshua Lacock wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Here is my full report of my attempt to get the failed modules 
>> compiled on Mac OS X 10.2.1 (Jaguar, Darwin 6.0) using gcc 3.1.
>> The module g.region fails with E_edit_cellhd as an undefined symbol.
>> The v.reclass, r.weight and r.reclass modules all fail with 
>> _E_edit_cats as an undefined symbol.
>> While building "src/raster/r.support", in addition to missing 
>> _E_edit_cats, I get another undefined symbol:
>> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
>> _E_edit_cats
>> _E_edit_fp_cats
>> E_edit_cellhd, E_edit_cats  and E_edit_fp_cats  are all defined in 
>> src/include/edit.h. Suspicious?
>> While attempting to build r.in.gdal I get some strange undefined 
>> symbols:
> ------
> Scott W. Mitchell						smitch at geog.utoronto.ca
> Department of Geography					Phone: (613) 730-5375
> University of Toronto at Mississauga	UTM fax: (905) 828-5273
> 3359 Mississauga Road					Local fax (613) 822-5143
> Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6					Canada
Scott W. Mitchell						smitch at geog.utoronto.ca
Department of Geography					Phone: (613) 730-5375
University of Toronto at Mississauga	UTM fax: (905) 828-5273
3359 Mississauga Road					Local fax (613) 822-5143
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6					Canada

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