[GRASS5] v.report length fix

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed Oct 9 13:08:30 EDT 2002

Markus Neteler wrote:

> It's a slight nightmare that nobody realized this bug for years...

And nobody realised that G_get_map_row() ignored the mask for years
(see the "i.pca and masks" thread), which is, IMHO, an even bigger

This is inevitable when you have more code than XFree86 but several
orders of magnitude fewer users (i.e. testers).

> BTW: Is the submission to below branch correct?


> What about "release_30_08_2002_grass5_0_0"?

That's a non-branch tag, which records the exact versions which
comprise the 5.0.0 release.

> Is the page
>   http://grass.itc.it/grasscvstags.html
> correct?
> To avoid another branch nightmare, can we delete all unused branches?

There are only four branches (including the head):


Of these, the following can safely be deleted:


That just leaves the head (grass5) and the release branch

Some of the older "internal" non-branch tags could be deleted, but any
tag which corresponds to a "published" version (e.g. the "betaX" and
"preX" tags) should remain, so that we make sense of comments such as
"it worked in pre3 but not in pre4".

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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