[GRASS5] g51 v.digit

John A. Preston jpreston at uwimona.edu.jm
Mon Oct 14 12:42:07 EDT 2002

Actually the GD library does support thick lines with various styles which
I have modified d.vect to use. However the issue of the 
style of the joints is not handled and GRASS itself 
does not seem to optimise the output of vector display points to the

Currently I see where to draw a line from point A to point B
GRASS sends all the coordinates of the points that make up the line.
However all these points are in a lot of cases 1 pixel apart and thus to 
implement a line style scheme I would have to drop various
consecutive points while displaying the others. I don't find
this particularly scalable, and was wondering whether
the move to change the drawing API would address this case.

Also as most of my work with GRASS involves creating images
for remote display or hardcopy I wanted to find out whether the
new API for the drawing functions would work well for these cases.

John Preston <jpreston at uwimona.edu.jm>

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