Glynn Clements
glynn.clements at virgin.net
Fri Oct 18 17:14:55 EDT 2002
Sharma Ojaswa wrote:
> nisn't it possible to have GRASS for windows without cygwin.
> i.e., a fereware GIS for windows.
At present, no; there are a substantial number of calls to Unix API
functions. However, it wouldn't be particularly difficult to create a
native Windows version.
Most of the Unix API calls are gratuitous (e.g. using Unix
I/O instead of ANSI I/O); those could be removed fairly easily.
There are quite a few calls to system() which invoke Unix commands.
Again, a fair number of those are gratuitous (e.g. using
system("rm ...") instead of remove()).
There are a small number of less trivial dependencies; e.g. a number
of programs use fork() for one reason or another. Most of the
non-trivial work in producing a native Windows version would be in
creating a set of process management primitives which could be
implemented on both Unix and Windows.
Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>
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