[GRASS5] Parallel computing

Robert Lagacé lagace at echo.grr.ulaval.ca
Mon Oct 28 17:29:41 EST 2002

Discussion about running GRASS on parallel computers arise 
from time to time.  For those interested, I found an article 
that may be of interest :

Scientific Computing Using POOMA. in C/C++ Users Journal, 
November 2002.

POOMA stands for Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Aplication 
and it is a toolkit developped by Los Alamos National Laboratory.

A summary is : 

POOMA is a high-performance C++ toolkit for parallel scientific
computation. POOMA's object-oriented design facilitates rapid
application development. POOMA has been optimized to take full
advantage of massively parallel machines. POOMA is available 
free ofcharge in order to facilitate its use in both industrial 
and researchenvironments.

Two WEB sites : 



A manual is avalaible at


The only drawback is that it uses C++.
Robert Lagacé, professeur
Directeur du programme de génie agroenvironnemental
Pavillon Comtois
Université Laval
Ste-Foy, Québec, G1K 7P4
tel : (418)-656-2131#2276
Fax : (418)-656-3723
E-mail : lagace at grr.ulaval.ca

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