[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:4564] Re: .tmp files

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Wed Sep 25 09:40:59 EDT 2002

Glynn Clements

> > > Regarding a cron job: it would probably be safe to delete temporary
> > > files which were more than a day old. It seems unlikely that files
> > > which are that old would still be in use.
> >
> > Mhh. But what if the user doesn't leave GRASS for a week or
> > just continues two days later due to Sunday?
> AFAICT, this only concerns d.text[.freetype]. The other cases where
> the file can't be immediately unlink()ed are where one program creates
> a file for another to read. It seems highly unlikely that the reader
> won't open the file within a day of the writer closing it.

> I don't quite understand all aspects of this issue, but there may be
> programs

(e.g. s.surf.rst) that write to temp files and then at the end of the
read the temp files and write the resulting map (e.g. raster). The computation

can run more than one day and the temp files created at the beginning of
the computation may be already closed. The same may be the case for
r.watershed, so
it seems that these programs need to be revisited before any automated removal

after one day is implemented. But I would have to look into s.surf.rst to see
there could be a problem.


> --
> Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>
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