[GRASS5] g51: v.surf.rst
hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Sep 30 21:13:41 EDT 2002
Radim Blazek wrote:
> Hi,
> I updated rst library and v.surf.rst (should replace [sv].surf.rst).
> I have done some simple tests only, it would be nice if somebody could
> try and compare results to rasters created in g50 - should be identical.
> Note that point (sites) vector may be created by v.in.ascii by
> piping points as 'x|y[|z][|cat]' to v.in.ascii without 'input=' option.
> Z values may be read from:
> 1) z coordinates in 3D file ('field=0')
> 2) from category value
> 3) from db table ('zcol=name'), smooth may be specified by 'scol'
We have most of our site files as
705788.570298|10445.067053|#1 %-0.94
so I assume that we should run it through awk to get x y z and then use
Option 3 is good for any new data that I may have as they often come in
db tables.
If I want to run it with contour data in vector format, do I just run
v.convert ?
Writing new man pages will be a lot of work but to get others started
if you could just link the command description (just to see the flags
and options)
to the table at
or add a "mini manual" to the GRASS man page
so that people get some idea what is available before they download
In that table, you can put SG3d vector update as irrelevant -, that
module should be retired
for 5.1 (I used it for about than 10 years and loved it, but it runs
only on old SGI).
We have both 5.1 and GRASS5.0 experimental - should we just get an
to get the new v.surf.rst?
sorry for so many questions,
thank you
> Radim
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