[GRASS5] 5.1 and GDAL

John Gillette JGillette at rfmd.com
Thu Apr 3 12:16:02 EST 2003

On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Paul Kelly wrote:
  I get a segmentation fault (on Linux)
  trying to load an ASTER DEM (Geotiff version) when using the CVS Head of
  GDAL (and any recent GRASS version), but it works fine with GDAL 1.1.8. 

I am trying to get 5.1 working. Should I use gdal 1.1.8 or CVS version
or does it matter?
Has anyone else seen the above problem?

2 other problems.

(1) Trying to start 5.1 with the sample data from 
mpa.itc.it/radim/g51/g51test-10.tar.gz, it won't let me 
pick "test" as location because it's "not available"
to me (as if I don't own it).

(2) after I try to create another mapset I get an error
trying to execute g.setenv (I think, from memory) because
it can't find cmd or interactive version.  Evidently I
am not linking correctly to grass5.0.2.  It did 
 make mix
and I saw a list of links reportedly being made.  But I 
don't see any links in /bin.  Only new 5.1 module names.

Linux 7.2 & 3/29 snapshots


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