[GRASS5] [bug #2061] (grass) r.los needs FP update

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed Aug 13 11:27:52 EDT 2003

Request Tracker wrote:

> Subject: r.los needs FP update
> grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
> After inspection of the source code (due to unsatisfying results)
> it seems that 'r.los' only works with CELL elevation data:
> src/raster/r.los/cmd/main.c:
>          /*  allocate buffer space for row-io to layer           */
>          cell = G_allocate_cell_buf();
>          /*      open elevation overlay file for reading         */
>          old = G_open_cell_old (elev_layer, old_mapset);
> etc.
> The module should be fixed to also accept FCELL/DCELL DEMs.
> However, I have no clear idea how much work is needed for
> that as segmentation is used internally.

It should probably be changed to just use either FCELL or DCELL
internally. I don't see any reason to preserve the underlying data

AFAICT, the only situations where CELL maps shouldn't be converted to
FP is where they may actually represent discrete categories rather
than a scalar quantity.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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