[GRASS5] [bug #2252] (grass) s.vol.rst segfaults

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Tue Dec 16 12:56:08 EST 2003

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2252

Subject: s.vol.rst segfaults

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 5.0.2

s.vol.rst gives a segfault when loading WIND3 or DEFAULT_WIND3 if their format 
isn't exactly right or if the file being loaded is empty.  I recognize that an empty 
configuration file isn't the best thing to have, but a segfault isn't the best way to 
deal with it either. 
I believe that this problem is in G3d_readWindow() (in g3dwindowio.c), but I 
haven't played with it enough to confirm this. 
Also, on the subject of s.vol.rst, it would be nice to put in an exit(1) or some such 
if G3d_readWindow() fails (returns 0) at the start (line 189 in main.c): I can't think 
of anything good which can come from s.vol.rst continuing without a region 

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