[GRASS5] Changes between 5.0.1 release and current CVS head

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Feb 3 14:41:55 EST 2003

I have mistakenly emailed this just to Glynn, but some comments from
others would be useful
so I am re-sending it to the list.


> Glynn Clements wrote:
> > My comments follow. I'd appreciate comments from the authors of any
> > changes marked "Probably" or "Don't know".
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/scripts/panel_kanimator.tcl
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/scripts/panel_main.tcl
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/anim_support.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/change_view.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/getCat.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/init_commands.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/interface.h
> > src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/position.c
> >       ???
> >>Don't know.
> > src/libes/ogsf/GK2.c
> > src/libes/ogsf/GS2.c
> > src/libes/ogsf/gk.c
> > src/libes/ogsf/gpd.c
> > src/libes/ogsf/gsd_prim.c
> > src/libes/ogsf/local_proto.h
> >       ???
> >>Don't know.
 I assume that the above are Bob's improvements and they need some
 We will try this week but getting more people to try it would help.
 I have put a copy of Bob's message at the end - testing keyframe
 animations may be harder for those who haven't done it before
 but testing the large site files is easy and it makes a big difference
 if you have million points (e.g. from LIDAR) and want to zoom into
 a small place. So if these work they should be included.
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/general/g3.region/editcellhd3d.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/r3.mapcalc/mapcalc/xcoor.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/r3.mapcalc/mapcalc/xrowcol.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/r3.null/main.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/r3.out.ascii/main.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/r3.out.v5d/main.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/r3.out.v5d/v5d.h
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/sites/s.vol.idw/main.c
> > src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/sites/s.vol.rst/user1.c
> >       ??? (AV)
> >>Probably (g3d isn't built by default, so compatibility isn't an issue).
> > src/libes/g3d/g3dresample.c
> > src/libes/g3d/g3dwindow.c
> >       ??? (AV)
> >>Don't know.
 These are probably important fixes by Alfonso Vitti so they should be
 included - Alfonso, John Harrop, Jaro, and whoever had a chance to work
with it can
 you comment on it?
> > + src.contrib/DUKE/
> >       Added (r.terraflow)
> >
> > + src.contrib/GMSL/r.simwe/
> >       Added
> >>Probably.
 these are new modules - they work but they are being further developed
 and could benefit from testing. So they can be included but I suggest
 that they are in the same category as the g3d stuff - not being built
 by defualt.
> Helena
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bob's message:
> Hello,
> Markus has applied some of my recent NVIZ changes to CVS. These changes
> include:
> 1. Ability to save and load key frame animations.
> 2. Changes to the DIR[XYZ] keyframe mask to use the center of view in
> this field. Now both the eye and center of view can be changed in an
> animation.
> 3. Changes to the "Run and Save" key frame menu to allow user supplied
> frame starting numbers. This will allow users to do animations in
> sections and start one where the other left off (for example at frame
> no. 1051). The numbers are also formatted to 4 digits to allow
> compatibility with the gimp animation tool. Note that the "off-screen"
> option is disabled in this menu (see below).
> 4. Accelerated drawing of sites by skipping sites outside of the current
> viewport. This routine can be applied at a later date to vectors and
> rasters.
> 5. Changed near and far clip defaults to allow closer and farther views
> respectively without being clipped.
> 6. Added a new display canvas for interactively moving the center of
> view (similar to "look here"). This and the eye position canvas are
> activated by radiobuttons. The canvases include call-backs to get and
> set the canvas cursor to match the respective
> position.
> 7. The code for off-screen rendering is also included, but commented
> out. The off-screen rendering draws to off-screen pbuffers, thus
> allowing rendering to be done undisturbed by screen savers, other
> windows, etc. This routine is still fairly new and requires a bit more
> work. For those wishing to try the off-screen rendering use a compile
> flag #define OS_RENDER to build the ogsf library and nvwish. The version
> is compatible with GLX v.1.3, earlier versions will probably not work.
> To enable off-screen rendering use "Noff_screen 1". When finished use
> "Noff_screen 0" to destroy the pbuffer visual. Note that the togl window
> should be minimized before calling Noff_screen 1. This ensures that the
> pbuffer remains the currently selected visual.
> If you have any question, comments or problems with the above please let
> me know.
> Also, for those interested I have got a good portion of the 3dview stuff
> working in nviz. This is the saving and loading of 3d views. If anyone
> is interested in testing what I have so far, please let me know.

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