[GRASS5] 5.1: map/table name restrictions due to SQL

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Mon Feb 17 10:19:22 EST 2003


concerning 5.1 I were glad to receive some recommendations
to following problem. GRASS 5.1 is using SQL internally
which is rather restricted with table names

Supported table name characters are:

 - must start with character
 - dots etc. are forbidden

While the map names due to G_legal_filename() are quite
flexible, the following must fail (note the dot in the out name):

v.extract wdbtemp4 output=wdbtemp4.areas type=area list=1-10000
Copying tables ...
DBMI-DBF driver error: SQL parser error in statement:
create table wdbtemp4.areas ( cat integer, label varchar(40))
Error in db_execute_immediate()
WARNING: Cannot create new table: 'create table wdbtemp4.areas ( cat
         integer, label varchar(40))'
WARNING: Cannot copy table

Question is if we want to restrict the map names completely for
GRASS to the SQL rules or find a better workaround...

If course it is convenient to have geometry and table with the same 

How do other GIS with SQL support manage this problem?
Suggestions are welcome.


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