[GRASS5] ANN: GRASS display with projection

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Tue Feb 18 12:42:06 EST 2003

Dear developers,

recently I received code from Beverly Wallace which allows to
display raster/vector/sites map projected in a GRASS monitor.

See details below, the C code is available in:
-> display_viewproj_src*

I tried it on Linux, it works as expected. Congrats to Beverly.
The limitation is that it currently uses an older version of
PROJ4 which is included and locally compiled.


PS: Here the announcement:

On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 04:57:59PM -0800, Wallace, Beverly T wrote:
> Markus,
> I have attached a gzipped tar file of the viewproj code.  It includes a
> PROJ library (named differently from the GRASS version) and a proj.4 data
> directory that are needed by viewproj.
> To make it, run gmake5 from the LM directory.  I tested it using GRASS
> 5.0.0 on a Sun with Solaris 8.
> Documentation is in viewproj/README.  I will write html documentation soon.
> To demonstrate viewproj, if you have a lat/lon database with nations and
> coastlines data, then start a monitor and run the demo.viewproj.sh script.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
>  <<LM.tar.gz>> 
> Bev Wallace
> Lockheed Martin, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
> beverly.t.wallace at lmco.com

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